After 24 months from the date Samsung ships your Initial Device to you, if your Financing Account is in good standing and you purchase a new eligible Samsung television that is of equal value to or greater value than your Initial Device (“Upgrade Device”) under the Upgrade Program on a new 36 month payment plan using the Financing Account, then you will receive an upgrade credit (“Upgrade Credit”) equal to the balance of the purchase price of your Initial Device plus applicable taxes and shipping charges (“Initial Amount”) that remains outstanding on your Financing Account, up to a maximum of 33% of the Initial Amount (“Maximum Credit”). You must opt-in to the Samsung Upgrade Program, apply and be approved for a financing account (“Financing Account”) under the Samsung Financing Program and make an initial purchase of an eligible Samsung television (“Initial Device”) on a 36 month payment plan using your Financing Account.

ᵝLimited time only, while supplies last, exclusively on and the Shop Samsung App (excluding in-person Samsung Studios transactions made using the App).