Adobe design std cs6
Adobe design std cs6

Photoshop CS4 has a great deal to open multiple documents in tab form. This speeds up the hassle of scrolling through tons of layers for DI artists. While in Mode sorting, you can choose to display layers with selected blending modes: Normal, Dissolve, Darken, Multiply and so on. Within Kind sorting, you can choose to display layers with only or in multiple combinations of: Pixel layers, Adjustment layers, Type layers, Shape layers and Smart Objects layers. You can display the layers according to: Kind, Name, Effect, Mode, Attributes and Color. Layers after layers of work can now be sort out with the introduction of this new feature. It shows you more information about the colors you’ve picked, x-y coordinates and files sizes. Menu: Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers > Rulers You can change the unit of measurements shown through: The enhancement in CS6 provides a quick information tooltip showing: width and height, distance the object has been shifted or the angle of rotation when you hold down your marquee tool, move or rotate an object respectively. Web or UI designers would probably find Info panel useful, checking dimensions of icons they drew. Menu: Edit > Preferences > Interface > Color Theme Interface Color Schemes Interface Color Schemes – Preferences The color will not affect how your works look like across different schemes. There is a major change in Photoshop CS6’s user interface color: 4 different shades of grey schemes are implemented. Adobe Photoshop CS6 is included in all the Adobe CS6 suites and is available in Singapore since the end of April 2012.

Adobe design std cs6